Reasons Why Every Nonprofit Should Be Using Peer-To-Peer T-Shirt Fundraising


People will always need clothes. One of the most common pieces of clothing that sell pretty quickly is t-shirts. This makes them a good option for nonprofit fundraising, as they’re a low-cost and low-effort alternative to raising funds. Using them can be a quick and easy option to gain more donors and generate more funds for your cause. Read on to learn why you should use peer-to-peer t-shirt fundraising for your nonprofit organization.

• Supporters get compensated for their contributions.

A fundraising campaign where your donors get goods in return for their support is a win-win for both parties. Other than the satisfaction gained from helping, it’s not common for them to receive something back after donating, so giving them shirts makes a great incentive. If they are fulfilled, they are highly likely to continue to contribute and become loyal to your organization.

It’s also a way of expressing gratitude to your supporters, especially with something that is tangible and can be used on a daily basis. In this way, your group gets to promote itself and raise awareness for your cause with little to no extra cost.

• The apparel will keep promoting your cause.

Even if your campaign ends, the shirts you sold will still be useful in promoting your cause. It’s similar to a mobile advertisement, wherein your supporters continue to use the shirts they bought from you that then create conversations and attract new donors. Also, a timeless design that reflects the overall statement and objective of your cause will work well in your favor.

• It is a low-cost option.

For some, fundraising can be difficult due to the cost of starting one. If you need a custom t-shirt for fundraising, businesses like Missouri Cotton Exchange, offer and guide people on their custom webstore process. From the order processing to shipping, it’s a low-cost option that allows you to choose and bundle items while having control over the period of your fundraiser.

To learn more about how peer-to-peer t-shirt fundraisers are helpful to your nonprofit organization, reach out to Missouri Cotton Exchange in Columbia, MO. We’ll be glad to help you forward your cause and guide you through the process of setting up an online webstore with us for your fundraiser.